Main Building Features
- Dedicated 1st Floor In- Patient Ward Are
- 3 x Linear Accelerators/3 Treatment Suites
- 1 Spare Treatment Suite
- Superficial X-Ray Treatment Unit
- CT Simulator for Treatment Planning
- CT Scanner for Diagnostic Imaging
- MRI Scanner for Treatment Planning & Diagnostic Imag- ing
In August 2014 BPS were appointed to undertake a range of specialist electronic protection systems for this project which included Fire Alarm, Disabled Refuge Alarm, TCP/IP CCTV, Access Control, Panic Attack & Intruder Alarm Systems and TCP/IP Entrance Intercoms.
Building Protection Systems have been providing Integrated Fire & Security Services to the Western Health & Social Care Trust for many years. In particular at the Altnagelvin Hospital Site, BPS have undertaken all Phase 1 2, & 3 Developments including 1. PFI Pharmacy & Laboratory Block, 2. New South Block (Phase 3.2a & 3.2b), 3. New Mortuary Block, 4. Sperrin Suite, 5. Multi-Storey Car Park (Completion June 2015).
This £50M Cancer Centre & Radiotherapy Block project is the first of two new major builds on the site, with the second to follow a new £100M North Block.
Completion of the Cancer Centre & Radiotherapy Block is phased. Phase A (Chemotherapy Adaptions) is on schedule for August 2015, and Phase B, New Build Radiotherapy Summer 2016.
The successful Main Contractor for Phase 4, McLaughlin & Harvey appointed Dowds Group to undertake the Mechanical & Electrical Services. Dowds Group in turn appointed BPS to undertake the Fire & Security Specialist Installations. BPS & Dowds Group have already successfully completed a number of Major Health Projects including South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen; Altnagelvin Hospital South Block (Phase 3.2a & 3.2b); Ulster Hospital Renal, Maternity, Terraced Car Park, & Critical Care Units.
Dowds Group have also appointed BPS to undertake the F&S Specialist services for another Western Health Trust New Build Hospital, the soon to be commenced, the New £65M Omagh Hospital.
Progress is well advanced on site on the Phase A works. BPS have already undertaken the adaption works, with final commissioning in progress. We are due to commence new-build installation works imminently.
The Fire Detection & Alarm System is a Site-Wide networked multi-panel arrangement, complying with BS5839-1 Type ‘L1’ & HTM 0503, to ensure that Cause & Effect Scenarios can be programmed to facilitate both this building and the site-wide pre-determined Hospital Evacuation Plan. The system reports to a Trust-Wide Alarm Management System.
The Intruder/Panic Alarm is being installed as a Grade 3 system within Controlled Drug Areas using anti-mask detectors and Grade 3 signalling due to the sensitivity surrounding the storage of controlled drugs. Other areas report on a Grade 2 basis to a managed site-wide re- sponse plan.
Access Control is being installed to over 60 doors, that will provide security for sensitive and staff only areas. Each staff member will carry a site coded card with unique identification recorded in the system database. Times of access can be determined for each door protected, with the ability to produce reports of user activity and a live review of staff members in the building. The system will be fully networked to the Site-Wide & Trust -Wide Infrastructure.
The CCTV system requirement was to provide high quality 720p & 1080p images from cameras internally & externally recorded by a series of local network video recorders, integrated onto the site-wide & trust -wide network. BPS have already provided TCP/IP CCTV solutions to the Altnagelvin Hospital Site as part of the South Block (Phase 3.2a & 3.2b), and Multi-Storey Car Park.
It is envisaged that Altnagelvin Hospital will become the central hub for Security Control for the Complete Trust Area. To this end, a new Security Control Centre is being designed into the future Phase B North Block Project to allow migration of all analogue & TCP/IP CCTV services into one central ‘Command Centre’. BPS are currently assisting in the design requirements with M&E Consulting Engineers, ARUP.